A tool designed to leverage your research

The mission of iGeny Form is to provide professionals in the finance and insurance industry with the tools necessary to increase their level of control, compliance and efficiency.



Concentrate your efforts for instant results


You no longer need to travel from one site to another.


Now, within a single interface, you are able to find all the documents you need.


You win like crazy!



Increase your performance



Three easy steps allow you to find, top chrono, the document you are looking for:


  1. 1. A keyword
  2. 2. Your provider
  3. 3. Your product


Your document!




Tools to help you



You have access to features that help reduce your risks of error or omission and save you time and money.


Preview: view all your documents before downloading. This will ensure that you have the correct document in hand.


Simultaneous download: put several different in your cart and download all your documents in one step.


That could prevent the risk of mixing up your files.